I will be randomly selecting the winner (using this site) on June 30, 2010. So you have two weeks to enter this giveaway! You can enter your name up to four times. Here are the ways you can enter:
1) Leave a comment on this post!
2) Tweet about the giveaway (be sure to include my Twitter name: @albertis_window in your tweet, so I can find it). After tweeting, leave a comment on this post to let me know too, please.
3) Write about this giveaway on your own blog, and then include the URL in a comment on this post.
4) Become a follower of my blog (via Blogger - see sidebar on the left to join). Once you have become a follower (or, if you already are listed follower), leave a comment on this post.
Please make sure that you write a separate comment for each of your entries. I will write a post, announcing the winner's name on June 30th. The winner will then have three days to contact me via email (albertis.window@gmail.com) in order to claim the prize and give a shipping address. If the winner does not come forth by that time, I will then randomly select a new winner.
In anticipation for the giveaway date, I'll be writing intermittent posts about some of the works of art that are featured within these seven discs. Some of my favorite works are discussed in these episodes. If you want to see a list of the featured art, you can go here (note: the discs for this giveaway do not include any of the the Christmas or Easter specials).
Since this DVD is created for use in the United States and Canada, this giveaway is only available to readers who are located in these two countries. My apologies to readers who are overseas.