Later, when the Republic fell and Robespierre was executed, David was imprisoned. This self-portrait on the right (1794) was painted while David was in prison. The large bulge on David's left cheek is a swollen, benign tumor which resulted after a fencing accident as a youth (He was known as "Gross David with the swollen cheek" by his English enemies).1

After Napoleon briefly met David for his first portrait sitting, David declared, "Bonaparte is my hero." Why did David, who used to be an active revolutionary, suddenly switch to become Napoleon's adoring fan? Simon Lee describes David has having come under Napoleon's "spell."4 Historical writings and biographies describe Napoleon as charming and captivating.5 Was David so struck by Napoleon's charm and charisma that he forgot all of his earlier political convictions? Or did David just pander to whoever was in power at the time, either as a literal or financial tactic for survival?
I assume that both Napoleonic charm and survival tactics played into David's devotion to the emperor. It seems, however, that this might not have been such a wise choice. In 1816, after the fall of Napoleon, the artist was exiled and spent the rest of his days in Brussels.6 Perhaps David should have stuck with his earlier convictions and left Napoleon alone?
1 David also had a stammering problem and his speech was difficult to understand. It is interesting that someone whose painting is so expressive had difficulties with simple speech.
2David, Jacques-Louis." In Grove Art Online. Oxford Art Online, http://www.oxfordartonline.com.erl.lib.byu.edu/subscriber/article/grove/art/T021541, accessed 13 January 2009.
3 Simon Shama, . "The Power of Art (New York: Harper Collins, 2006), 233.
4 Lee, "David, Jacques-Louis."
5 For one example, see Alan Schom, Napoleon Bonaparte, (New York: Harper Collins, 1998), 7.
6 In 1989, Belgian authorities prevented David's remains from returning to Paris.